There’s an exciting world out there to explore. You could hit the books to research where you want to go, or you could go on a journey through movie. These are our favorite movies to give you a taste of the world near and far.
Eat Pray Love (2010)

Based on Elizabeth Gilbert’s book of the same name, Eat Pray Love is a story of self-exploration and romance set in Italy, India, and Bali. This story focuses on what is most important to us while showcasing the beauty of the world that we miss when we don’t take risk and chance.
It’s nearly impossible to finish this movie without wanting to fully immerse yourself in a culture you’ve never experienced before.
Roman Holiday (1953)

Bringing it back to a classic, Roman Holiday stars Audrey Hepburn as a European princess tired of her suffocating life. The movie is a romantic view of Rome paired with a plot of deception, and it makes traveling feel regal and adventurous as you watch with a bucket of popcorn. You’ll be ready to hop on your own Vespa and zoom off into the night by the end.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is the story of an employee from Life magazine who develops photos for the publication, though he rarely does anything as extraordinary as the images he prepares. When Life announces they are ending their print issues, Mitty is tasked with tracking down the perfect photo for the last printed magazine, and he undergoes a wild adventure to get it.
This movie is a mixture of quirky daydream and embracing life’s adventures.
Wild (2014)

Wild is a story based on the book of the same name about a woman who chooses to backpack the Pacific Crest Trail after the loss of her beloved mother. Reese Witherspoon plays the lead, and she backpacks you through incredible views of the Pacific Northeast and its remote wilderness.
Under the Tuscan Sun (2003)

After a series of unfortunate life events, Frances Mayes (Diane Lane) is encouraged by her best friend to take a tour of Italy. The story really takes off when Frances buys a rural Tuscan villa and live a new life in the beauty of Italy. This movie will make you wish you were living a beautiful, European life yourself.
Into the Wild (2007)

After graduation from Emory University as a top student and athlete, Christopher gives up the life he knows and travels through the Alaskan wilderness with nothing to his name. Into the Wild might make you want to throw it all away and explore the world unseen.
The Way (2010)

When his estranged son passes away while attempting the pilgrimage to Spain's Santiago de Compostela, a father travels to France to retrieve his body and take the journey his son couldn’t finish. This is an emotional movie that showcases the power of a journey through unknown cultures and lands to discover oneself.
Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016)

This hilarious indie film about a young boy and his foster father, who become subjects of a manhunt after disappearing into the New Zealand wilderness, will make you want to see the beautiful greenery of New Zealand! Minus the manhunt, obviously.