A Message from Carol Carmody to Spring and CY Students

A blank page of a notebook on top of a wooden table.

Dear student,

My name is Carol Carmody, and I am the Executive Director of SAF. I am based in the United States, and I work closely with my colleagues in China to support students who are studying abroad through SAF.

I’m writing you today to discuss the recent warnings issued by the Chinese Government regarding travel and study in the United States. I want to assure you that SAF is closely monitoring this situation, and will continue to do so. We understand that the warnings may have prompted questions or concerns regarding your study abroad experience. Please understand that we at SAF are dedicated to supporting you throughout this process and are available 24 hours a day to answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to contact your SAF Program Specialist, with any questions or concerns.

International students are deeply valued members of the student body at U.S. colleges and universities. I am sure that your host university has eagerly welcomed you as an important part of the campus community.

As part of an organization that helps almost 10,000 students study abroad each year, we remain deeply committed to international student mobility. It is our privilege to support you throughout this exceptional opportunity.

As mentioned earlier, we are more than happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

Best regards,

Current Students
Informative Notice