Unexpected Advantages of Studying in a Different Culture

Sydney Opera House

Everyone has reasons for wanting to study in another country, but students often leave their program with much more than they imagined. Exploring a new city away from home might sound intimidating, but it has several life-changing benefits. A University of New South Wales study abroad participant and SAF Korea Global Ambassador, Seoyeon Lim, shares some of the amazing things they took home from their experiences overseas.

Here are some ways a study abroad journey will benefit you more than you know:

Exposure to Other Countries' Politics



Growing up in your home country, you might have learned how your government works. When traveling and studying abroad, your eyes are opened to how other countries operate. You may be shocked to learn that something completely legal in your homeland is illegal in another. Additionally, each government has its way of running things, and while you're spending time there, you may see a completely different style of justice. This experience can promote education beyond the time at a university and open your mind to a more worldly view.

Different Leisure Experiences

Your home country may have standard ways of doing leisure activities. Coastal towns and countries know how to find the perfect spots on the beaches, while mountainous areas might offer excellent hiking trails. Students who grow up in tiny towns may have the opportunity to experience a lively metropolitan lifestyle, and vice versa. When you travel, you get to see how other people relax, and you can try it out for yourself!

Enriching your time away from schoolwork by discovering new methods to have fun is just as valuable as anything you will learn in class. As a participant on the University of New South Wales study abroad program, Sungyeon Lim says, “Even if I didn't get to travel around Australia, I went to the park or the beach on my days off, and I think I that better.  Sydney has a lot of parks, and they are well maintained and I often went to the park to study. There are so many good beaches were within reach that it was impossible to visit them all.”

Networking Opportunities

Many study-abroad students express how fantastic it has been to make friends while abroad. They may also be able to use the contacts they make to find new internships or jobs after their term abroad is over. Additionally, those who want to live overseas from their home country may find networking with the right people helpful. It is also conceivable that students may meet someone from their home country who will help them advance in their careers when they return.

Social Confidence

Walking in the city


Studying abroad requires some bravery to dive into a new environment. Students not only learn how to navigate their daily lives in a new way, but they may realize how much more confident these experiences have made them. Once you are out of your comfort zone, you'll see what you're capable of and how to manage your needs.

This type of growth comes quickly when studying internationally because, whether you notice it or not, you are changing and using a new level of maturity. As Lim states, “I was able to learn what I once thought was going to be hard to accomplish.  I thought I wouldn't be able to adapt, but once I started, I could do everything I was given, and I could see myself living among the local people.”

These benefits of studying abroad are just the tip of the iceberg, as each student will have their own rich experience. It is fun to exchange stories and notes with others who have completed this kind of travel and academic trip, and the educational value from going overseas extends much further than the classroom. 




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