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ETS joint webinar raffle

SAF Korea and ETS Korea enter partnership

SAF Korea and ETS Korea partner to encourage students to consider study abroad programs and take TOEFL test.

Informative Notice For universities and companies
University of California, Berkeley Content 022
Alumni spotlight

“Just take that step!”: How SAF alumni Junle Zhang realized his dreams of studying at UC Berkeley

From China to UC Berkeley: Discover how Junle Zhang's transformative journey of studying abroad allowed him to expand and emerge with enhanced language skills and newfound...

Informative Notice
Japan Sig 2023_11

SAF at NAFSA Japan S.I.G. 2023

SAF attends the NAFSA Japan S.I.G. on June 1, 2023.

Informative Notice
SAF Annual Reception_2

SAF Annual Reception at NAFSA 2023 Annual Conference

The Study Abroad Foundation (SAF) held its Annual SAF Reception at the NAFSA 2023 Annual Conference on Tuesday, May 30.

Informative Notice
GoAbroad Innovation Awards

IES Abroad Recognized for Excellence in International Education with Two GoAbroad Award Nominations

Study Abroad Foundation (SAF) is thrilled to announce that IES Abroad has been selected as finalists for not one, but two GoAbroad Innovation Awards! These nominations acknowledge...

Informative Notice
Students stand together in a conference room at the SAF Korea Alumni Seminar

SAF Korea alumni reflect on study abroad and prepare for global careers

SAF Korea staff hosted an alumni seminar giving alumni the opportunity to reflect on study abroad and prepare for global careers with their peers.

Informative Notice

SAF Japan Year-End Annual Meeting 2022

SAF held its 2022 Year-End Annual Meeting at Komazawa University Fukazawa Campus on Thursday, March 9, 2023.

For universities and companies
CACIE 2023

SAF at CACIE 2023

SAF attended the 23rd China Annual Conference and Expo for International Education. This year's theme was titled: “Complex and Changing International Environment and International...

Informative Notice
University of Wisconsin Featured 05

SAF Scholar Awarded for Academic Achievement

We want to congratulate SAF Scholar Shi Qui, who was awarded the Exchange and Academic Excellence award from the University of Wisconsin-Madison for his excepti

Informative Notice

Apply For Your Passport Today

Getting your passport and visa are crucial steps for studying abroad. Applying for both can take several months - especially with COVID-19 realities around the world! Make sure you plan ahead.

Two people holding their American passports up to the sky